Learn more about the life cycle and development stages of the black soldier fly
The life cycle of the black soldier fly, also known as Black Soldier Fly or Hermetia Illucens , extends - depending on the conditions - from several weeks to months. Depending on the definition, up to six relevant developmental stages are known, which we will examine in more detail below.
Breeding black soldier fly larvae with the OFERA BSFL Farm
The black soldier fly, better known as the Black Soldier Fly (BSF), is a very suitable food insect for fish. In good conditions, these insects decompose a large amount of kitchen waste and grow relatively quickly (within 2-4 weeks) into...
Breeding mealworms with the OFERA mealworm farm
Mealworms are gradually becoming more important as feed and edible insects . They can now also be found on supermarket shelves. And for good reason: mealworms are rich in high-quality protein and also have a very good ecological balance in...
For those who are still struggling with disgust – This will make you think differently and lead you to enjoy insects
Prejudices put aside. Check! Now you're parking your typical reaction to "eating insects" on the windowsill! Or you know what? It's best to throw them out right away! And don't forget to close the window! 😉 After all, you eat...
OFERA Cycle-Farming - The interaction of fish, vegetables & insects
How would you actually explain a cycle? Not so easy to put into words, is it? Personally, I have liked the following definition the most so far: A cycle or circulation is a regularly recurring movement of substances or energies....
Insects - one of the most natural and sustainable feeds ever
Breeding your own feeder insects is probably the most sustainable way to produce high-quality fish feed. Why? – It's simple: The feed industry often needs a lot of fish meal and fish oil to produce a wide variety of fish...