Cycle-Farming for a Better Tomorrow: Become a Cycle Farmer and Save the Planet Right From Your Backyard
Start with eco-friendly Aquaponics and Gardening to raise healthy fish and vegetables. Recycle your kitchen scraps by Black Soldier Fly Farming, breeding Mealworms, and worm composting. Use these sustainable insect proteins to feed your fish, chickens, and other animals, while using the insect frass and worm humus as fertilizer for your plants. Let’s close the cycle and save the planet—right out of our backyards.

Cycle Section: Aquaponics
Our own fish and vegetables from a sustainable cycle
With an aquaponics system you can produce fish and vegetables for yourself and your family with minimal use of resources.
What you need
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Cycle Section: Insect Breeding
Use your kitchen waste wisely and breed insects
With mealworms and soldier fly larvae, you can transform organic waste from the kitchen into sustainable insect protein and also generate high-quality nutrients for your plants.
What you need
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Cycle Section: Vegetable Garden
Grow healthy vegetables from your garden or raised bed and compost like a real cycle farmer
Reduce transport routes and plant your vegetables yourself. Get to know the practical helpers for your garden soil and find out what compost worms contribute to a healthy and sustainable cycle.
What you need
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About Stefan & OFERA
It's time to change something. Let's start a new era together, where food will once again be given the high priority that should actually be taken for granted.
Let’s embark together on the ORGANIC FOOD ERA
Learn more about cycle farming in our blog
View all"This is Austria!"
The Austria symbol is a trademark of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and stands for the quality and innovative strength of Austrian companies. We are proud to be able to use this symbol.

Aquaponics: Gardening with fish and mealworm
Stefan Saurer constructs aquaponics systems and sells mealworm breeding boxes all over the world…
Craftsmanship quality from Austria with a social contribution
The majority of our OFERA® products are manufactured in cooperation with a social institution for the integration of people with special needs. By purchasing OFERA® brand products, you support social projects such as the vamos association here in southeast Austria.
News about OFERA
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With support from the Province of Burgenland
The province of Brugenland kindly supports us in the further development of our innovative products and solutions for a sustainable future.