Buy Aquaponics Tilapia fry

Aquaponics Tilapia

Do you need Tilapia fry for your aquaponics system? We know how difficult and laborious it often is to get Tilapia fry. Thanks to the ongoing operation of our aquaponics systems, we always have fry and a small network of trustworthy dealers. We can't promise anything, but we will do our best to help you.

Tilapia fry for aquaponics - Inquire now

Learn more about the fry in the aquaponics system

If well cared for, the fish will reach eating size within 9-12 months. If the system is operated seasonally, the young fish can be kept in aquariums during the winter months. At the start of summer, the fish are then big enough to provide sufficient nutrients in the aquaponics system. The fish then usually reach eating size before winter. Here we show you how we prepare our young fish for the summer season.

Fish species: Oreochromis Niloticus
Recommended water temperature: from room temperature (approx. 21°C) to 32°C
Temperature tolerance: 15-35°C Food: insects, vegetable scraps, cereal flakes, feed pellets